Week 3: Preparing for production


Welcome back to our barber shop💈🔪, dear customer. We barely can handle the new epidemy of toothache, but come by in case you are interested on how some alcohol and a friendly bloodletting🩸 can do wonders:


Art bible

Art bible is finally fiiniiishh. Adding extra content to previous areas and creating new ones to define atmosphere and shape language:


We moved all the shaders from Unreal to Unity, and we are completely sure they will work in the engine:


Prototyping the mechanics

Our programmer has expend a lot of the time this week researching how to do things in Unity, as she is running into small but time consuming issues, as she has no experience in Unity. Though we are positive that everything we want will work, we would prioritize from now on the programming tasks to support our programmer. Specially our Designer that has experience in Unity. 

The programmer managed to make a jar that spawns an object when it’s clicked and puts it to the players hand in the multiplayer set up. The object is interactable and can be pick up from the floor and throw again. It’s set up in a way that’s ready for production. So the second we have meshes it will be done.

We also managed to prototype the book mechanic, working exactly as we were looking for:


Getting player feedback

We needed to test the game with the new added mechanics, so the designer made new paper prototypes and adapted the previous ones.

 He also did two prototyping sessions with different people. Each session had two patients and the place of the mixing table was different for each patient (mixing table mixed with tools of the healer or apart in an individual table).  In the protype in Miro, the players had to move around with a designated character and focus only in the are they were working:

All mechanics were working well and the game was very entertaining and fun from all the players. They all provided a similar feedback about the mixing mechanic, that is was more interesting having it in a different table.

Game Design Document (GDD)

The GDD is now completed, of course some of his content will change, but now we have a strong base.


We are getting close to production and we already have the list of all the tasks that we need to fulfill to reach the game we wanted. 

And that's all for now our most beloved clients, may sickness and plague bestow upon thee so we see each other again soon in our barber shop!🩻🩻


Prototypes3.zip 5.2 MB
96 days ago

Get Trust Me I'm A Doctor

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