Week 8: Gamelooping


Welcome back to our barber shop💈🔪, dear customer. We are just trying to close the day, its more work than it looks! But one last boost💉 and we will be done with the place.

We are focusing to have a game loop🔃 as soon as possible. Even if its not the definitive one, its good for us to implement as much as possible so that the final weeks go well.



We explained last week how the system for create the plants. We used the colors of the real plants as a base but we took some creative freedom to make them fit with the style guide. This is the final description of the plants:

. Stem: Thick
. Flower: Jasmine like light red color petals yellow center
. Root: No
. Leave: Yes

. Stem: Thin
. Flower: Jasmine like pale yellow color petals yellow center
. Root: No
. Leave: Yes

. Stem: No
. Flower: No
. Root: Thick
. Leave: Yes, big ones

St. John's wort
. Stem: Thin
. Flower: Jasmine like yellow color petals yellow center
. Root: thin
. Leave: Yes

. Stem: Thick
. Flower: One only daisy light red
. Root: Thick
. Leave: Yes

. Stem: Thin
. Flower: Jasmine like red color petals dark blue center
. Root: No
. Leave: No

. Stem: Thin
. Flower: Daisy like bright red color petals yellow center
. Root: Thin
. Leave: Yes


We have to create all the tools with a simple animation of them being used. The tools are an scalpel, a cauterizer and the medical stick. Lorenzo made them rusty and with dried blood. As if it was used and not clean. That's how you build an inmune system.


Our marks have now texture. We ha 2 different types in the gameplay, moon shaped or not, depending on it the gameplay conditions change.


Leeches are done and ready to be used, the player will be able to pick them up from the pot. This is the final implementation giving fuel for nightmares:


Life bar of the patient is implemented and looking nice. We were planning to have a billboard that always looks at the player but we found some issues as there will be two players and two cameras. So while we solve it the health Ui is duplicated to appear in both directions and is static. 


The game loop

The game loop should be automated, you should just add the prefabs of the patients you want and when the game starts the first one will spawn, the second will spawn once the first is gone. We will place it with the body puzzles and call it a day.

The tools

Revekka added an invisible holder that can be placed anywhere in the world (at the level on the table) to attach and reattach tools so they would not be affected by the physics when not being picked up from the table and can be easily put back on the table.

The tools end up missing can be a problem. But only allowing them in the table will make the gameplay feel annoying if the player forget to leave them and you cant pick up things. At the beginning we talk that the main place where they can be lost was the pit. And that we would place a collider down there to spawn a new one of that happens. We are thinking in how to do it.

The bubos

Bubos have been tackle. All of them are implemented because our programmer is amazing. We only changed bleeding bubo, in the second conditions we had that it will be treated as a worm. But implementing all the worm conditions only for that case was gonna be absolutely crazy, so we changed it to having to make an ointment of the same color of the leech. Pages as reference:


Body puzzles

We have decided to not go procedural on the creation of the bodies. Which create the task of making the puzzle of the diseases manually to make sure they work well. 

Patient 1 has:
. 4 yellow bubos so they have to look for extra fingers and in that way the find the extra nipple. Showing the player how diseases can appear and which ones. Also teaching them to use the ointment, as they have to apply the Balsam of Mecca.
. An extra nipple so they have to use a tool and they learn about the inquisition.
. A worm of the first level so is an easy fix.

Patient 2 has:
. 3 yellow bubos (when they already know to use tools, a twist)
. 3 Red bubos (do nothing, so is more difficult)
. 1 extra finger (when they already know that those exist)
. Quasisnake (Worm B, so they check the calendar)
. Moon mark (so they check the calendar)
. We can also add a hell tone of nipples because the player will find it funny

Patient 3 has:

  • 2 yellow bubos hidden apart in the body
  • 3 Red bubos (Worm change color)
  • 2 Enriques (Worm C)
  • 2 black fingers (hands)
  • Purple bubos small and down so
    its the last thing they look for


We are all focusing in closing the gameloop, and we did iiit.  We are happy and a little more calm with that. We all asked each other if we have time to finish all the task in a week and we all agreed we have so it seems the project will be done on time. 

And that's all for now our most beloved clients, may sickness and plague bestow upon thee so we see each other again soon in our barber shop!🩻🩻



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41 days ago

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