Week 5: Second production week


Welcome back to our barber shop💈🔪, dear customer. We are working hard to get graduated on the medic school📜, let us tell you:

We are in the second production week and we are finally giving a shape to the game:


Patient and Doctor

Unwrapping and clothes of the patient are done. And our doctors are almost out of medical school: 



Our tech artist has been working in a blood (and other liquids) shader to be used on the mechanics: 

She also developed a shinning shader to make selectable objects pop up when they are at range:

Environment and assets

Environment pieces are being made and place: 
Our artists added body dumper, shelves, book cases, torches and another roof piece.


Mixing and movement

Weekly merge in to the main branch is done and everything is working.
We don't have visuals of this part as we are advancing in adding all the logic to the programming part, now that the book and game design is finished. And talking about the devil....


Creating the final book

The boook and main game desiiign are fiiiniiisheeeeed. It was an enormous amount of work, way more than we expected. As our designer focused on making everything interesting, unique for each disease, creating as much communication opportunities as possible and adding some comedy flavor; and at the same time not adding any extra work for programming .  But here it is:

We also modified the story to make the two doctors apprentices, making the small detail for marketing (a doctor's diploma) fit with the story.


We are proud of our advances and how things are starting to look. There is a long way ahead us (not that long which is scary) but we think we have things working well.

And that's all for now our most beloved clients, may sickness and plague bestow upon thee so we see each other again soon in our barber shop!🩻🩻

Get Trust Me I'm A Doctor

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