Week 9: Production finished!


Welcome back to our barber shop💈🔪, dear customer. We are excited to show you all the improvement to our healing techniques. You wont believe how useful a rusty saw ðŸªš can be.

The last week of production brought a lot of implementation with it, making the game finally look like a game and not a blockout. We should have probably implement things earlier but ey, you can not heal a patient without breaking some bones no? ðŸ¦´



We got a nice calendar showing zodiac signs and lunar phase. We tried to make it look unique as a medieval calendar but also easy to identify as such. That's why the red border of it. We took some reference from this old manuscript:

You can select the zodiac sign and lunar phase and will automatically move the red squares to match it. A miracle of the modern age:


We have a bell, we have a bell. For narrative purposes we added a simple bell to finish the gameplay. Its related to the purple bubos and will close the gameplay with a funny situation. 


All kind and sorts of animations have been added to the game. Idle, moving, interact.... And some other related to the patient. We had some issues while exporting out of Mixamo and animations will only work with the original mesh that they were exported. Any added object or change in the original ones will break the animation.

Here we leave you with the best ones:


Now our patients have very cool and original tattoos. We created an URP decal and added the stamps on the body. Modified the decal so it fits the player, we have an issue with transparency in which it looks like a square box. Fixed material issues, the decal was writing into the normal (but not showing it in the render buffers). We made it how I would have done in Unreal Engine but Unity handles decal channels differently.


Lights and textures are done. The environment is finally looking awesome and the sun enter through our windows:


The final art of the book is ready. We got us a fine monk that inked every page by hand. 


Issues fixing

We fixed issues with:
- The starting screen, now its show in both display at the same time. We have 3 canvas. The main one in World Space renders the UI into a RenderTexture. And then I have two more canvas (one for each display). With just an Raw Image where the render texture is rendered.

- The book, that was moving pages out of bound.

- The health bar that it was always active. Now it activates only when health is decreasing and deactivates when health reaches 0 (patient dies).

- Add a dot on the screen where the ray is so the player can better recognize what is he looking at (what is going to be highlighted).


We have also:

- Implemented animations from the character and patient.

- All the healing tools and link them with the their models

- Ointments, plants, herbs, crushed herbs and all related to the patient is now in the game. 


The game is there playable and ready to be polish. The team is very happy with how is looking and excited about the opinion of players!

And that's all for now our most beloved clients, may sickness and plague bestow upon thee so we see each other again soon in our barber shop!🩻🩻


TrustMeImADoctor-v0.6.zip 85 MB
40 days ago

Get Trust Me I'm A Doctor

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